Take Back Christmas – Solo Show

Welcome to Episode 44 of my Podcast.  Today I bring you another Solo Show called Take Back Christmas.  After what I have experienced in the last week around Melbourne, I felt compelled to share my thoughts on Christmas with all of you.  Christmas is whatever you want it to be and what makes you Happy, never mind what you see on TV or Social Media etc.  The Perfect Christmas is whatever You want your Christmas to be so go out there and create it, make it happen and Take Christmas Back.  I hope you enjoy this Episode.  Be Kind to Yourself Always Love Wendy 🙂


WAY 40: Kate Worsfold from Wings Of Destiny Life

Welcome to this episode of Wendy’s Way, In this episode meet Kate Worsfold the founder of Wings of Destiny Life. Wings of Destiny is a national Australian organisation, founded in 2015 by CEO Kate Worsfold based on her 15 years of experiencing domestic violence. Their clear purpose is to assist women who have experienced Domestic Violence to help them rebuild, recover and heal. Wings of Destiny’s objective is to provide tools and holistic resources for affected persons to live confidently with self-belief and empowerment; no longer defined by their past.  Kate’s story is inspiring and humbling, Kate shares openly and honestly about all the challenges she has faced and how she lives everyday in the best way she can.

I hope you enjoy this episode which was a true privilege for me to record.
Love Wendy

For more info please click on this link https://www.wingsofdestiny.life/